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Dell's Streak readies for battle with iPad
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Credit: Reuters/Thomas Peter
BOSTON (Reuters) - Dell Inc said its Streak tablet computer can double as a mobile phone and will have a front-facing camera for videoconferencing -- features it hopes will help the new gadget compete against Apple Inc's iPad.
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The five-inch tablet will debut in Britain next month through mobile carrier O2, a unit of Spain's Telefonica, and Carphone Warehouse. Dell has yet to announce pricing for the Streak, which it said will appear in the United States sometime during the summer.
The company formally unveiled the Streak on Tuesday, after Chief Executive Michael Dell gave the tech world a glimpse of the tablet at a conference two weeks ago in San Francisco.
Dell will become the first major electronics maker to take on the 9.7-inch iPad with a device that runs on Google Inc's Android operating system, more commonly found on smartphones.
"It's portable and mobile. You can put it in your pocket," said IDC analyst Will Stofega, who has tried out the device. "It is interesting and infinitely usable."
Android is gaining ground on the iPhone in the smartphone market, but it is not yet clear whether Google and Dell will be able to take on Apple in the tablet market.
"Can Dell sell millions of these? That's a tall order. There is certainly the potential. If it is priced right and if the thing sort of does what it's supposed to," Stofega said.
The Streak, which will have a slot for external memory cards, is part of Dell's plan to expand sales of mobile devices to help boost revenue after it has slipped from being the world's largest PC maker to No. 3 by volume.
Forrester analyst Charles Golvin said he was skeptical that Dell could catch up with the iPad in one key area.
"Dell's entry into the phone/tablet market is marked by some nice hardware, but Dell still lacks the one element that will matter most in differentiating itself in the flood of Android devices, and that's skill in software," he said.
More than 200,000 software applications work with both the iPhone and the iPad, which was launched in the U.S. in April and goes on sale internationally on Friday.
Stephen Felice, who runs Dell's consumer, small and medium business divisions, told the Reuters Global Technology Summit in San Francisco, last week that the Streak would be aimed at consumers but that the PC maker's goal is to eventually build tablets for large corporations.
(Reporting by Jim Finkle; Editing by Steve Orlofsky)
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May 25, 2010 2:38pm EDT
I’m an Apple fan and own two macbook pro’s, one imac, three iphones and an ipad. But, I am also a logical and reasoning person who is tired of everyone (including journalists simply for the effect) using the “200,000 apps” figure regarding those for the iphone/ipad. Look at the actual number of apps that are used and/or usable in relation to the enormous amount of JUNK that there is available in the app store. I do not have the statistics, but I would venture to guess that no more than 10,000 of those 200,000 are used widely if not at all. For example: There are over 50 flashlight apps – same with messengers, facebook apps, twitter apps, social networking standalones and enough “Fun Facts” apps to fill up your available space. Not to mention the huge number of games that are completely useless and no better than anything that was available on the old Nintendo NES. (8bit if you were wondering)
Until there are true statistics on usable and actually used applications in the App Store – please preserve some journalistic integrity and get off the cheap way out to make a point have some impact by using the HUGE numbers available to you.
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May 25, 2010 2:44pm EDT
To respond to Simon417, there’s always going to be a lot of junk in the App store and Google Android apps would be no exception. Therefore, if you assume that the percentage of junk is similar between competitors, Apple is still better off. For disclosure purposes, I have an iPhone and and iPad.
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May 25, 2010 2:47pm EDT
I agree with the comment above. I have an iPhone with about 20 useful apps. I am amazed at the garbage listed as popular and top rated in the App Store!
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May 25, 2010 2:55pm EDT
I agree, Dave. But it is the equivalent of saying that the United States has 1,674,817 Olympic athletes because there are that many individuals who have ever played basketball, ran track, thrown a discus, etc… and are still alive.
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May 25, 2010 3:05pm EDT
Despite the early cheap jokes about the name, the iPad seems to have the same coolness factor that most Apple products generate. Dell rather lacks the panache of Apple, so I doubt they’ll command the market. Still, it’ll be good to see some competition in the tablet area. If nothing else it will give us all alternate e-book readers to choose from.
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May 25, 2010 3:13pm EDT
As a Mac user of many years, I’m used to the frustration of seeing Windows-only software that does something I need. My iPod Touch does not have this problem. Yes, there is a lot of junk, but that’s true of any platform that offers easy user development. On the other hand, the first platform that offers something truly akin to Microsoft Office will likely own the “portable” space.
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May 25, 2010 3:13pm EDT
I have to agree, I have a iPod Touch and most of the Apps are dumb useless clutter for people to spend their money on. The free ones are actually better then the pay ones. But as for the Dell Streak. It appears from its size to better compete with the iPhone and Touch then the iPad? The iPad is 9.7 inches for screen size. Almost double of the Dell. I am interested to see what Android can do with these devices. I would like something that’s not so tied down to Apple’s App store.
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May 25, 2010 3:14pm EDT
I think it’s great that someone is actually bringing a product to the market that is a phone and is still usable by people for actual business tasks as well as watching movies/videos. Have you ever tried watching a widescreen movie on an iPhone? I’m surprised there isn’t a screen magnifier attachment accessory for the iphone and every other “smart phone” on the market. The vast majority of them are between 3″-3.5″ diagonally. Only until the recent Sprint/HTC phone has there even been a 4″ screen.
For those of us with larger hands and fading vision, if this Dell device receives good reviews and guarantees upgrades to each new version of Android – I will purchase the first one available to me. I hold my phone in my hand or it’s in my laptop bag. The benefit of it fitting in my pocket is a non-issue.
There is a short article along with a video demonstration of the Streak on
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May 25, 2010 3:23pm EDT
Half the problem with people competing with the iPad (and other iProducts) is that they do fine out-featuring the iWhatever but never quite nail the immediacy of the Apple software. I’ve owned smartphones for years on many platforms, and many of them had some features the iPhone lacked long before the iPhone even existed…but none were ever as straightforward to use. I never had to crack the iPhone manual, whereas my Windows and Symbian phones often required me to navigate arcane menus to find simple tasks. I can’t compare the iPad with anything yet, becasue there just aren’t a ton of tablets on the market trying to do similar things, but the iPad has the same sort of “it just works” feel.
Dell’s choice of Android for this is going to be the clincher, though. Android is a solid OS and is probably pound-for-pound the best competitor for the iPhoneOS. It’s not *quite* as easy to use – yet – but it has tons of potential and isn’t tied up in Apple’s release cycle. So that right there may be a strong factor in determining how well this does.
Although, as someone who’s owned a number of Dells in the past decade, in terms of product quality they’re sort of the anti-Apple. They’re cheap to buy and commodity-like, which is why I’ve bought them, but they also feel cheep and commodity-like, and certainly the PCs have always come loaded with a lot of cool features that don’t quite work as well as they should. Apple on the other hand, tends to skimp on new gee-whiz features but tends to have pretty solid build quality albeit pretty high prices.
It’ll be interesting to see how this plays out. It’s basically opposing viewpoints on the computer market, competing with fairly (IMHO) evenly-matched operating systems.
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