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State list of birds becoming more, less common
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State list of birds becoming more, less common
By The Associated Press AP - 2 hours 36 minutes ago
A state-by-state list of birds that are becoming more common and less common, perhaps because of shifts related to climate change, and the estimated miles the birds have moved north over the last 40 years, according to the Audubon Society.
Less common species:
_ White-crowned Sparrow, 21.7
_ American Black Duck, 182.0
_ Fox Sparrow, 286.8
_ Purple Finch, 433.0
_ Pine Siskin, 288.2
More common species:
_ Osprey, 10.7
_ Laughing Gull, 69.0
_ Great Egret, 109.8
_ White-eyed Vireo, 67.6
_ Lesser Yellowlegs, 45.0
More common species:
_ Ring-necked Duck, 219.2
_ Red-breasted Nuthatch, 244.4
_ Pine Siskin, 288.2
_ Northern Flicker, 192.5
_ Bohemian Waxwing, 111.2
Less common species:
_ Purple Finch, 433.0
_ Rough-legged Hawk, 178.7
_ Clark's Nutcracker, 123.6
_ Fox Sparrow, 286.8
_ Eastern Bluebird, 114.5
More common species:
_ Black Vulture, 51.9
_ Common Yellowthroat, 109.3
_ Cactus Wren, 49.9
Less common species:
_ Northern Bobwhite, 85.7
_ Purple Finch, 433.0
_ American Black Duck, 182.0
_ Tundra Swan, 129.1
_ Rough-legged Hawk, 178.7
More common species:
_ Double-crested Cormorant, 117.4
_ Great Egret, 109.8
_ Snow Goose, 217.1
_ Greater Yellowlegs, 124.1
_ Northern Shoveler, 78.5
Less common species:
_ White-winged Scoter, 130.3
_ Rough-legged Hawk, 178.7
_ Dunlin, 71.1
_ Rock Sandpiper, 93.9
_ Townsend's Solitaire, 99.2
More common species:
_ Gadwall, 148.9
_ Osprey, 10.7
_ Least Bittern, 179.5
_ Common Yellowthroat, 109.3
_ Cinnamon Teal, 159.4
Less common species:
_ Bohemian Waxwing, 111.2
_ Rough-legged Hawk, 178.7
_ American Three-toed Woodpecker, 203.1
_ Northern Goshawk, 71.9
_ Golden-crowned Kinglet 87.3
More common species:
_ Sandhill Crane, 37.8
_ Ring-necked Duck, 219.2
_ Wood Duck, 37.1
_ Hermit Thrush, 91.4
_ American Robin, 206.0
Less common species:
_ White-winged Scoter, 130.3
_ Pine Siskin, 288.2
_ Hairy Woodpecker, 135.2
More common species:
_ Northern Gannet, 83.3
_ Turkey Vulture, 53.2
_ Red-bellied Woodpecker, 59.7
_ Cedar Waxwing, 189.2
_ Carolina Wren, 57.0
Less common species:
_ Rusty Blackbird, 100.9
_ Northern Bobwhite, 85.7
_ Brewer's Blackbird, 13.6
_ Northern Pintail, 91.0
_ White-throated Sparrow, 109.1
Less common species:
_ Common Merganser, 105.6
_ Northern Bobwhite, 85.7
_ American Black Duck, 182.0
_ Purple Finch, 433.0
_ Dark-eyed Junco, 116.1
More common species:
_ Sandhill Crane, 37.8
_ Laughing Gull, 69.0
_ Yellow-crowned Night-Heron, 35.8
_ Fish Crow, 15.1
_ Seaside Sparrow, 43.0
Less common species:
_ Bohemian Waxwing, 111.2
_ Northern Pygmy-Owl, 163.6
_ Pine Grosbeak, 148.3
More common species:
_ Bewick's Wren, 54.8
_ Wood Duck, 37.1
_ Hermit Thrush, 91.4
_ Ring-necked Duck, 219.2
_ Mourning Dove, 147.3
Less common species:
_ Rough-legged Hawk, 178.7
_ Northern Goshawk, 71.9
_ Pine Siskin, 288.2
More common species:
_ Black Vulture, 51.9
_ Great Egret, 109.8
_ Eastern Phoebe, 47.9
_ Gadwall, 148.9
_ Turkey Vulture, 53.2
Less common species:
_ Northern Goshawk, 71.9
_ Hairy Woodpecker, 135.2
More common species:
_ Black Vulture, 51.9
_ Snow Goose, 217.1
_ Northern Shoveler, 78.5
_ Ring-necked Duck, 219.2
_ Ruddy Duck, 13.5
Less common species:
_ Golden-crowned Kinglet, 87.3
More common species:
_ Gadwall, 148.9
_ Hermit Thrush, 91.4
_ Carolina Wren, 57.0
_ Green-winged Teal, 157.2
_ Eastern Bluebird, 114.5
Less common species:
_ Black-billed Magpie, 85.6
_ American Black Duck, 182.0
_ Rough-legged Hawk, 178.7
_ Black-capped Chickadee, 90.3
_ American Crow, 88.8
More common species:
_ Snow Goose, 217.1
_ Hermit Thrush, 91.4
_ Wood Duck, 37.1
_ Marsh Wren, 25.2
_ Ring-necked Duck, 219.2
Less common species:
_ American Black Duck, 182.0
_ Rough-legged Hawk, 178.7
_ Common Merganser, 105.6
_ Red-breasted Merganser, 316.9
_ American Crow, 88.8
More common species:
_ Chipping Sparrow, 11.4
_ Northern Shoveler, 78.5
_ Eastern Phoebe, 47.9
_ Cedar Waxwing, 189.2
_ Ruddy Duck, 13.5
Less common species:
_ Rough-legged Hawk, 178.7
_ Purple Finch, 433.0
_ Common Merganser, 105.6
_ Fox Sparrow, 286.8
_ American Robin, 206.0
More common species:
_ White Ibis, 99.8
_ Laughing Gull, 69.0
_ Osprey, 10.7
_ Prairie Warbler, 17.3
_ Ovenbird, 23.6
Less common species:
_ Boreal Chickadee, 279.4
_ Black-backed Woodpecker, 100.9
More common species:
_ Eastern Bluebird, 114.5
_ Tufted Titmouse, 27.0
_ Mourning Dove, 147.3
_ Cedar Waxwing, 189.2
_ Northern Cardinal, 58.9
Less common species:
_ American Tree Sparrow, 54.3
_ White-winged Scoter, 130.3
_ Rough-legged Hawk, 178.7
_ Horned Grebe, 50.5
_ Brant, 193.4
More common species:
_ Snow Goose, 217.1
_ Eastern Bluebird, 114.5
_ Northern Shoveler, 78.5
_ Cedar Waxwing, 189.2
_ Ring-necked Duck, 219.2
More common species:
_ Turkey Vulture, 53.2
_ Red-bellied Woodpecker, 59.7
_ Carolina Wren, 57.0
_ Northern Gannet, 83.3
_ American Robin, 206.0
Less common species:
_ Boreal Chickadee, 279.4
More common species:
_ Eastern Bluebird, 114.5
_ Ring-necked Duck, 219.2
_ American Robin, 206.0
_ Tundra Swan, 129.1
_ White-throated Sparrow, 109.1
Less common species:
_ Boreal Chickadee, 279.4
_ American Three-toed Woodpecker, 203.1
_ Bohemian Waxwing, 111.2
More common species:
_ Gadwall, 148.9
_ American Robin, 206.0
_ Carolina Wren, 57.0
_ Ring-necked Duck, 219.2
_ Mourning Dove, 147.3
Less common species:
_ Northern Bobwhite, 85.7
_ Rough-legged Hawk, 178.7
_ Purple Finch, 433.0
_ Pine Siskin, 288.2
_ Northern Flicker, 192.5
More common species:
_ Forster's Tern, 44.4
_ Great Egret, 109.8
_ White Ibis, 99.8
_ Lesser Yellowlegs, 45.0
_ Fish Crow, 15.1
Less common species:
_ American Tree Sparrow, 54.3
_ Rough-legged Hawk, 178.7
_ Golden Eagle, 58.3
_ American Black Duck, 182.0
_ Black-capped Chickadee, 90.3
More common species:
_ Turkey Vulture, 53.2
_ Eastern Phoebe, 47.9
_ Snow Goose, 217.1
_ Northern Shoveler, 78.5
_ Marsh Wren, 25.2
Less common species:
_ Spruce Grouse, 316.1
_ Pine Grosbeak , 148.3
More common species:
_ Ring-necked Duck, 219.2
_ Cedar Waxwing, 189.2
_ Mourning Dove, 147.3
_ Wood Duck, 37.1
_ Northern Shoveler, 78.5
Less common species:
_ Black-billed Magpie, 85.6
_ Black-capped Chickadee, 90.3
_ Hairy Woodpecker, 135.2
_ Winter Wren, 138.8
More common species:
_ Ring-necked Duck, 219.2
_ Hermit Thrush, 91.4
_ Gadwall, 148.9
_ Eastern Bluebird, 114.5
_ Carolina Wren, 57.0
Less common species:
_ Red-breasted Merganser, 316.9
_ Tundra Swan, 129.1
_ Rough-legged Hawk, 178.7
_ Varied Thrush, 229.9
_ Winter Wren, 138.8
More common species:
_ Great Egret, 109.8
_ Mourning Dove, 147.3
_ Least Sandpiper, 57.4
_ Greater Yellowlegs, 124.1
_ Northern Shoveler, 78.5
Less common species:
_ Horned Grebe, 50.5
More common species:
_ Cedar Waxwing, 189.2
_ Red-bellied Woodpecker, 59.7
_ Carolina Wren, 57.0
_ Tufted Titmouse, 27.0
_ Northern Flicker, 192.5
Less common species:
_ White-winged Scoter, 130.3
_ American Tree Sparrow, 54.3
_ Rough-legged Hawk, 178.7
_ Horned Grebe, 50.5
_ Pine Siskin, 288.2
More common species:
_ Black Vulture, 51.9
_ Snow Goose, 217.1
_ Northern Gannet, 83.3
_ Turkey Vulture, 53.2
_ Ring-necked Duck, 219.2
Less common species:
_ Tundra Swan, 129.1
_ Pygmy Nuthatch, 265.5
_ American Tree Sparrow, 54.3
_ Mountain Chickadee, 67.0
_ Townsend's Solitaire, 99.2
More common species:
_ Common Yellowthroat, 109.3
Less common species:
_ Pine Grosbeak , 148.3
More common species:
_ Turkey Vulture, 53.2
_ Snow Goose, 217.1
_ Eastern Bluebird, 114.5
_ Carolina Wren, 57.0
_ Red-bellied Woodpecker, 59.7
Less common species:
_ Rough-legged Hawk, 178.7
_ Purple Finch, 433.0
_ Horned Grebe, 50.5
_ American Tree Sparrow, 54.3
_ American Black Duck, 182.0
More common species:
_ White Ibis, 99.8
_ Black Vulture, 51.9
_ Turkey Vulture, 53.2
_ Northern Shoveler, 78.5
_ Prairie Warbler, 17.3
More common species:
_ American Crow, 88.8
_ Gadwall, 148.9
_ American Goldfinch, 219.1
_ Dark-eyed Junco, 116.1
_ Sharp-shinned Hawk, 37.6
Less common species:
_ Horned Grebe, 50.5
_ Northern Goshawk, 71.9
_ Common Merganser, 105.6
_ Hairy Woodpecker, 135.2
More common species:
_ Black Vulture, 51.9
_ White-throated Sparrow, 109.1
_ Hermit Thrush, 91.4
_ Turkey Vulture, 53.2
_ Eastern Bluebird, 114.5
Less common species:
_ Purple Finch, 433.0
_ Common Merganser, 105.6
_ American Tree Sparrow, 54.3
_ Golden Eagle, 58.3
_ Rough-legged Hawk, 178.7
More common species:
_ Snow Goose, 217.1
_ Northern Shoveler, 78.5
_ Black Vulture, 51.9
_ Red-shouldered Hawk, 76.2
_ Turkey Vulture, 53.2
Less common species:
_ Pine Grosbeak, 148.3
_ Rock Sandpiper, 93.9
_ Bohemian Waxwing, 111.2
_ Northern Pygmy-Owl, 163.6
_ Black Turnstone, 177.7
More common species:
_ Great Egret, 109.8
_ Black Phoebe, 40.6
_ Osprey, 10.7
_ Red-shouldered Hawk, 76.2
_ Greater Yellowlegs, 124.1
Less common species:
_ Horned Grebe, 50.5
_ Rough-legged Hawk, 178.7
_ Northern Goshawk, 71.9
_ American Black Duck, 182.0
More common species:
_ Snow Goose, 217.1
_ Black Vulture, 51.9
_ Eastern Bluebird, 114.5
_ Turkey Vulture, 53.2
_ Hermit Thrush, 91.4
Less common species:
_ Northern Bobwhite, 85.7
_ Purple Finch, 433.0
_ Rough-legged Hawk, 178.7
_ Tundra Swan, 129.1
_ American Black Duck, 182.0
More common species:
_ Short-billed Dowitcher, 147.7
_ Tree Swallow, 59.1
_ White Ibis, 99.8
_ Osprey, 10.7
_ Semipalmated Plover, 90.1
Less common species:
_ Bohemian Waxwing, 111.2
More common species:
_ Ring-necked Duck, 219.2
_ Cedar Waxwing, 189.2
_ Purple Finch, 433.0
_ Wood Duck, 37.1
_ Redhead, 68.1
Less common species:
_ Common Merganser, 105.6
_ American Black Duck, 182.0
_ Dark-eyed Junco, 116.1
More common species:
_ Sandhill Crane, 37.8
_ Brown-headed Nuthatch, 23.0
_ Chipping Sparrow, 11.4
_ Snow Goose, 217.1
_ Black Vulture, 51.9
Less common species:
_ Townsend's Solitaire, 99.2
_ Rough-legged Hawk, 178.7
_ Pine Siskin, 288.2
_ Northern Flicker, 192.5
_ Cedar Waxwing, 189.2
More common species:
_ Osprey, 10.7
_ White Ibis, 99.8
_ Forster's Tern, 44.4
_ Ovenbird, 23.6
_ Lesser Yellowlegs, 45.0
Less common species:
_ Bohemian Waxwing, 111.2
_ Rough-legged Hawk, 178.7
_ Mountain Chickadee, 67.0
_ Northern Goshawk, 71.9
_ Hairy Woodpecker, 135.2
More common species:
_ Northern Mockingbird, 13.5
_ Ring-necked Duck, 219.2
_ Wood Duck, 37.1
_ Mourning Dove, 147.3
_ Great Egret, 109.8
Less common species:
_ Boreal Chickadee, 279.4
More common species:
_ Red-bellied Woodpecker, 59.7
_ Eastern Bluebird, 114.5
_ Snow Goose, 217.1
_ Carolina Wren, 57.0
_ Tufted Titmouse, 27.0
Less common species:
_ American Tree Sparrow, 54.3
_ White-winged Scoter, 130.3
_ Rough-legged Hawk, 178.7
_ American Black Duck, 182.0
_ Pine Siskin, 288.2
More common species:
_ Northern Gannet, 83.3
_ Laughing Gull, 69.0
_ Eastern Bluebird, 114.5
_ Short-billed Dowitcher, 147.7
_ Cedar Waxwing, 189.2
Less common species:
_ Marbled Murrelet, 361.9
_ Rock Sandpiper, 93.9
More common species:
_ Western Scrub-Jay, 45.8
_ Wood Duck, 37.1
_ Gadwall, 148.9
_ Lincoln's Sparrow, 165.3
_ Mourning Dove, 147.3
Less common species:
_ American Tree Sparrow, 54.3
_ Horned Grebe, 50.5
_ Pine Siskin, 288.2
More common species:
_ Ring-necked Duck, 219.2
_ Gadwall, 148.9
_ Ruddy Duck, 13.5
_ Green-winged Teal, 157.2
_ Cedar Waxwing, 189.2
Less common species:
_ Boreal Chickadee, 279.4
More common species:
_ Eastern Bluebird, 114.5
_ Tundra Swan, 129.1
_ Gadwall, 148.9
_ Northern Shoveler, 78.5
_ Carolina Wren, 57.0
Less common species:
_ Pine Grosbeak, 148.3
_ Varied Thrush, 229.9
_ Northern Goshawk, 71.9
_ Common Merganser, 105.6
_ Bohemian Waxwing, 111.2
More common species:
_ Redhead, 68.1
_ Wood Duck, 37.1
_ American Crow, 88.8
_ American Goldfinch, 219.1
_ Mourning Dove, 147.3
Source: Audubon Society
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Why are Chinese tourists so rude? A few insights