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Syria government approves lifting state of emergency
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Syria government approves lifting state of emergency
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By Mariam Karouny
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syrian forces opened fire to disperse protesters early in Homs Tuesday, activists said, the latest city to be swept by the tide of unrest against President Bashar al-Assad's authoritarian rule.
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People gather at Clock Square during a demonstration in the centre of the Syrian city of Homs April 18, 2011. Syrian forces fired shots at hundreds of protesters who had gathered overnight in Homs city in defiance of warning by the authorities to halt what they called an insurrection, a rights campaigner said on Tuesday. A member of the security police addressed the protesters at Clock Square through a loud speaker asking them to leave, and then the forces opened fire, said the human rights campaigner, who is in contact with protesters in the square.
By Mariam Karouny
Tue Apr 19, 2011 11:16am EDT
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syrian forces opened fire to disperse protesters early in Homs Tuesday, activists said, the latest city to be swept by the tide of unrest against President Bashar al-Assad's authoritarian rule.
By midday Tuesday they said the center of Homs resembled a ghost town, with shops, markets and schools all closed in the city of around 700,000 people, where 17 protesters were killed Sunday night.
Security forces including Assad's irregular "shabbiha" militia "chased people in the streets of Homs until 6 a.m. (0300 GMT)," one activist in the city said. "The streets are empty."
Another said that 25 wounded people were in hospital.
Rights groups say more than 200 people have been killed in the protests which swept across Syria after demonstrations first broke out in the southern city of Deraa a month ago, inspired by the Arab uprisings which toppled leaders in Egypt and Tunisia.
The protests, the first such revolt since an Islamist uprising was ruthlessly put down in 1982, comprise all shades of society, including ordinary Syrians, secularists, leftists, tribals, Islamists and students.
The rallying cry in the protests has been "Freedom, Freedom. God, Syria and Freedom only. Some shouts of Allahu Akbar (God is Greatest) resonated after Friday prayers.
Assad, who has ruled for 11 years since assuming power on the death of his father Hafez al-Assad, has responded with a combination of limited concessions and fierce crackdowns.
In a sign that authorities would offer no ground to protesters, the Interior Ministry Monday night described the unrest as an insurrection by "armed groups belonging to Salafist organizations" trying to terrorize the population.
Salafism is a strict form of Sunni Islam which many Arab governments equate with militant groups like al Qaeda. Assad and most of his inner circle are from Syria's minority Alawite community, adherents to an offshoot of Shi'ite Islam.
The government says Syria is the target of a conspiracy and authorities blame the violence on armed gangs and infiltrators supplied with weapons from Lebanon and Iraq, a charge opposition groups say is unfounded.
State news agency SANA said Tuesday that an army brigadier and three family members were ambushed and killed on Sunday by "armed criminal groups" in Homs. Two other officers were also killed in the city on the same day, it said.
Assad said Saturday he would end nearly half a century of emergency rule with legislation that should be in place by next week, but his pledge did little to appease protesters calling for political freedoms.
Dozens of medical students demonstrated at Damascus University's college of medicine Tuesday chanting "Stop the massacres. Syria is free. Syria is dignity," two rights campaigners in contact with the students said. They said security forces beat the students to break up the protest.
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mcright wrote:
Is NATO going to enforce a no-fly zone on Syria? No? I see… there is no oil in Syria?! Unlike Libya who announced giving oil contracts to China instead of France, Italy & other Western nations. So NATO want to teach her a lesson to the extend of regime change in order to continue their oil contracts.
Apr 18, 2011 10:12pm EDT -- Report as abuse
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