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Oregon governor outlines climate change agenda
By JOSEPH B. FRAZIER,Associated Press Writer AP - Wednesday, October 29
PORTLAND, Ore. - Oregon's governor unwrapped an ambitious 2009 legislative climate change package with proposals for net-zero greenhouse gas emissions for homes and buildings by 2030, with benchmarks to be sure the goal is reached.
Gov. Ted Kulongoski also wants to replace the $1,500 tax credit on hybrid vehicles with a $5,000 credit on all-electric cars and to fund energy efficiency for 800 low-income homes a year.
Oregon already is the highest per-capita user of hybrid cars in the nation, he said Monday, and the tax credit could be better used on promoting all-electric vehicles.
Kulongoski said Oregon can be an important point of entry for such cars and that he will make that point on a trip to China and Japan next month.
He said his plan to cap and trade greenhouse gas emissions by utilities and industries in Oregon would go into effect in 2012 to allow time to make sure it is fair and workable.
While Kulongoski almost certainly will have a Democratic House and Senate likely to lean toward his goals, one leading Republican on Monday urged caution, though he commended some aspects of the climate change agenda.
"There are a number of positive incentives the governor is proposing that protect our air, water and forests," said Senate Republican Leader Ted Ferrioli. "However, we must safeguard families and small businesses that cannot shoulder anymore rate hikes or expensive regulations. Calm and caution are important as we examine all of the possible consequences in these proposals."
The cap-and-trade proposal is a part of an agreement among seven Western states and four Canadian provinces that allows industries and utilities that emit greenhouse gases to buy and sell credits. Businesses that cannot make sufficient cuts can buy the right to pollute from cleaner companies, a proposal Kulongoski says may take major lobbying because some say it could increase energy prices.
"Climate change is the most important environmental and economic issue of our time. We no longer have the luxury of looking a few years down the road," he said.
The proposals he will take to the Legislature, he said, will focus "on how we live, work and move." He urged the state to show the leadership it did in passing the nation's first bottle bill and other landmark environmental laws in the 1970s.
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