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Rare rhino calves found in Indonesian jungle
AFP - 34 minutes ago
JAKARTA (AFP) - - Four calves of the world's rarest species of rhino have been found in remote jungle on Indonesia's Java island, giving hope to efforts to save them from extinction, an official said Tuesday.
"Four Javan rhinos of six to seven months age were seen by scientists on the beach near the jungle during a recent field survey," Agus Primabudi, the head of the Ujung Kulon National Park in West Java, told AFP.
Alerted to the presence of humans, the baby rhinos fled into the park to where two adult rhinos aged roughly 35 to 36, believed to be their parents, were staying, Primabudi said.
Primabudi said that the birth of the four calves has given new hope that the Javan rhinos can breed in the wild at levels high enough to keep the local population alive into the future.
"The most important thing we can do is to protect their habitat so that they can breed easily," he said.
The Javan rhino, which is distinguished by its small size, single horn and loose skin folds, is likely the most endangered large mammal on the planet, according to WWF.
Roughly 90 percent of the world's 50 or so Javan rhinos live in Ujung Kulon park, an oasis of wilderness on the western edge of one of the world's most densely populated islands.
The Javan rhino is classified as critically endangered by WWF and none of the animals currently live in captivity.
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A hand out video grab taken in May 2008 from WWF shows two rhinos in Indonesia's Ujung Kulon national park on Java island. Four calves of the world's rarest species of rhino have been found in remote jungle on Java, giving hope to efforts to save them from extinction, an official said Tuesday.
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