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Firms urged not to scale back on corporate social responsibility
Channel NewsAsia - Saturday, November 29
SINGAPORE : Companies may be bracing themselves for tough times ahead but that should not stop them from doing their part for society.
Singapore may be facing tough times ahead, but for businesses with a social mission, such as co—ops and charity shops, the economic downturn could be a litmus test for their survival.
So social entrepreneurs need to get creative.
Panellists at the Global Social Innovation Forum on Friday said there is also a need to help those who want to help the community.
Close to 220 guests attended the forum. The event was spearheaded by the Social Innovation Park.
Meanwhile, moving forward, businesses must also recognise the need to bridge the gap between social and economic sectors. And rather than viewing the economic uncertainty as a barrier to growth, companies should use it as an opportunity for change.
Dr Sarah Mavrinac was given the Social Entrepreneur of the Year award. It recognises her work in providing financial and entrepreneurship education to migrant female workers.
It was given out as part of the Global Social Innovation Forum. The award, now into its third year, was jointly awarded by Social Innovation Park and Schwab Foundation. — CNA/ms
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